You’ve certainly heard of building inspection, haven’t you? But do you really know what it’s about? And yet, how does this type of procedure work? No? So be sure to follow this complete guide.
We will explain, in the smallest detail, what it is, how it works, and the real importance of this type of inspection. See everything below.
What is construction inspection?

In general terms, the building inspection of the work is nothing more than an indispensable step for the execution of any civil construction project. It is from this that we have control over the entire work, in order to ensure safety and effectiveness in all activities carried out.
Furthermore, this building inspection delivers errors that can cause accidents and disasters, further nurturing the quality of the project that will be delivered to the client later.
What’s the matter?
The importance of building inspection covers several levels and essential points, which are directly linked to the quality and safety that the work provides. Below we will talk about each of them:
- Employee safety: We know that PPE is extremely important to ensure that workers are always safe during work. However, this is not the only way to guarantee this effect. It is necessary to think a little further, as in the case of inspection while the work is still being done. Since this building inspection will be responsible for inspecting if all PPEs are being used and even if the conditions of the work are consistent with the needs of employees.
- Identify possible risks: During the construction process, small flaws can go unnoticed by employees. Thus, risks can arise from the moment that these risks are not given due attention. In this way, the inspector will investigate the entire situation, analyzing several specific points of the project, to ensure that no type of standard is violated, in order to maintain the safety of everyone involved.
- An organization that optimizes time: Following a good organization on the construction site is essential for the entire project to flow in a more interesting way. After all, disorganization can lead to a waste of time, as employees will have some difficulties if the environment does not provide something more logical and effective for their work. Here, therefore, inspection will highlight what can be optimized and even truncated steps that can simply be eliminated from the process.
- Monitoring of progress: The building inspection is also directly related to monitoring the progress of the work, as this will make it possible to verify if all stages are in compliance and if something needs to be fixed or optimized.
- Quality inspection: Finally, importance is also given to the quality inspection, which is carried out in order to ensure that everything is in compliance. It is in this final inspection that the inspector will pay attention to all the details of the construction, right after cleaning the work, in order to ensure that the final customer receives what was truly requested from the beginning.
Anyway, in short, the building inspection of the work is related to optimization, safety, quality, and prevention.

How does it work?
The building inspection process, both during the development of the work and after completion, should take place following four very simple steps, but which need to be done with some attention to ensure the best results. Being them:
- Inspection planning: The planning is due to the fact that the inspector must have a script that will be followed when carrying out the inspection. In other words, he needs to know exactly what are all the points that should be taken into account when visiting the construction site.
- Data collection: Upon arrival at the construction site, the inspector must collect the data that he himself had selected during the planning of the building inspection. Here he can take as long as necessary to observe and find all the pertinent information in order to ensure the best results during the analysis.
- Study and analysis: After collecting everything that is necessary, the inspector must study and analyze all the information that was brought. He will have to study everything very carefully and patiently in order to find any possible damage or repair that needs to happen.
- Corrective measures: Finally, after all the analysis done, the team will receive the corrective measures, through reports that the inspector will be able to do. It is worth remembering that even if it is corrective, it should not be seen as pejorative, but rather as a safety measure that values the well-being of both the workers and those who will receive the work after it is finished.
With these simple but equally important steps, the inspection process can be completed in an efficient manner. And so, security and results will be maintained.
Technology in favor of inspection of the work

Now that you know how the construction inspection takes place, it is high time to bet on the facilities that technology has for this purpose. In this case, for example, we can mention the use of drones.
Yea! Drones are increasingly present in the works, for the most diverse purposes. And inspection enters this list of possibilities, as there will be a much more detailed view of points that may be difficult to reach in a common way.
Hire a qualified company
Finally, if you are not doing your inspection yourself, look for qualified companies in the field. And so, enjoy the security and all the benefits that this inspection provides for you.
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