Safety Electrical Installations
The use of electrical energy and its different applications are usually one of the many comforts we enjoy today, but behind the simple ease of connecting our television to an outlet to make it work, turn on a light bulb to illuminate our room, program the cooking time in a microwave or heat the burner of a stove to prepare our food, there is a complex guide or set of rules that lead us to these results.
At present we can observe how the use of electricity in industries and residential areas requires a greater demand, therefore, each person who works in the electricity area must follow a set of standardized rules to achieve a safe work environment, in this video we will divide these safety regulations into two stages: Workshops or Educational Institutions and Work on the street or in our work environment.
We must take these safety rules as a precaution to avoid any type of work accident, it is better to be safe than sorry, therefore, following these rules is essential for our work development, because it can prevent us from death, or serious burns in all our Body.
If a company does not have security measures, or a regulation to follow in the event of an accident, we must demand it before reaching an unfortunate situation, in the labor code of each country, it is strictly established to follow the following labor safety regulations on Electricity workshop:
All tools and machinery can be dangerous, if used improperly or carelessly. Working safely should be one of the first things a student or apprentice should consider, because the safe way is usually the correct and most efficient way. A person who is learning to operate machines or tools must first learn the rules and safety precautions corresponding to each one.
You should not work on electrical installations or small circuits without first having cut off the power supply, in case there is no practical solution for this problem, you will work with appropriate clothing or clothing, such as gloves, rubber boots, etc.
When working with an energized circuit, special care must be taken not to rest any part of the body on the wall or metal parts near the electrical circuit.
Before working with an electrical circuit, a thorough review of the tools must be made regarding their state of insulation, since if they are not properly insulated we can receive an electric shock, although it would be best not to work with electrical circuits that are energized, but in case we cannot avoid it, we must have machinery that meets electrical installations standards.
You should never work with your body or wet tools, or in a place with the same condition, as such humidity could cause a short circuit.
Adequate clothing should be taken into account, gloves of the highest capacity, rubber base shoes, a hard plastic helmet and there is no need to have anything metallic in the clothing.
Post warning signs in the work area as this warns others that you can have an accident and get hurt if you interfere in the work area. If someone suffers an electrical shock, cut off the power supply, or use a rope or dry wood to separate the victim from the point of contact, although it is best to wait for first aid.
To be able to find a fault in an electrical circuit, a test must be carried out with the multimeters, but when doing this test, we must take special care in how to connect the terminals, since otherwise we could damage the equipment.
You always have to keep the work area, be it a workshop or a large company, in perfect condition and as clean and tidy as possible.
When working on an electrical circuit, the first thing to do is always check the state of the electrical current, if it is connected, then it will have to be disconnected to be able to work safely, if we are in a situation where we cannot cut the flow of electrical current, then we must ensure that we have enough protection to isolate our body from electricity.
We should never apply a half-hearted method because if we do, the electrical installations will not work and in the course of work we endanger our physical integrity.
When working with many circuits at the same time or several terminals and lines, the installation of said circuit must be specified in a diagram, this is done with the intention of making life easier.
Avoid all kinds of unnecessary risk, no matter how easy it is to work on an electrical installations, always take into account the safety regulations.
Do not ignore the safety devices, the standards read here and apply any other safety standard when working, remember that electricity does not admit errors.
Electrical Installations in a Workshop and Educational Area
Do not bring food and beverages into our work area, as they can be spilled on tools or machines that we will use daily, causing failures or creating short circuits.
All people who study or work in a workshop, must wear the appropriate clothing to carry out any activity, by this we mean shoes with a rubber base or insulating boot, pants and shirts without metallic materials and that are not loose, insulating gloves for hands and in some cases protective helmets for the head.
All our tools must withstand high concentrations of electrical current and must be products certified and verified by our guide teacher.
All the didactic boards that we use to carry out our electrical installation practices must have a base that does not allow electrical conduction, to avoid any type of accident and this should only be connected to the power source, when you want to test the operation of our work.
We must always have more than two extinguishers on hand, in case a short circuit occurs, in this case ABC dry chemical extinguishers are recommended.
Before verifying or testing the operation of our work practice, we must ask our teacher guide for a thorough review of our work, in order to avoid short circuits, and when it is connected to the voltage source we must maintain a healthy distance.
Although we are only in our learning stage, we must respect the color standard for electrical wiring, and the thickness of the conductor gauge to carry out the installation, this is done with the aim that in the near future we will work on the street or to a company, our way of working can be understood by any electrician.
As in an educational institution or learning workshop there are several people to receive the teaching, the didactic boards of each group of people who carry out their work must have a separation of at least 1.2 meters, to have a comfortable and safe educational environment.
In the remote case that a person suffers an electric shock, a first aid kit, a telephone to call emergencies must always be at hand, and our guide teacher must be trained in giving first aid while an ambulance arrives.
We should not apply half methods and of which we do not understand their procedure well, always remember to ask your guide teacher for help to clear any doubts.
We should never work with our clothing wet, nor should the tools and equipment we use be wet, it would be highly recommended to check them before starting any work
Rules in the street or work environment
If the company where we are working does not have an established regulation of safety standards, we must demand it as soon as possible, and socialize it with all work personnel.
The stairs that we use to disconnect or check a connection must have a rubber base and must be a certified product that isolates us from the passage of electrical current.
If we go to work in an area where we cannot disconnect the voltage source, we must put up signs to warn people that we are working in a danger area, and of course we must wear the appropriate clothing to carry out this work.
All the tools we use have to withstand high discharges of electricity, and must be verified and provided by the company, in addition each of the team members must have the same level of protection in their equipment and tools.
Before doing street work on Electric Lighting Pole, we should have gone through an ascent and descent exercise training, checking connections or any other problem will be one of the many most common jobs we will have, but it requires skill to use the harness.
If someone suffers an electric shock, and the voltage source cannot be disconnected, wait for the trained ambulance and first aid service to separate the body from the point of contact, otherwise you can throw a rope to the body and pull with force or use a long wooden or plastic bar to perform the separation, but it is always best to wait for the trained medical staff.
All work personnel must have first aid knowledge and have a first aid kit, although the company that hires us must have trained personnel to transport a person to a medical assistance center in case of emergency.
It is preferable to work without electrical power supplied to the circuit, as most electrical installations are sectioned, we can control its passage by means of a switch and work more comfortably, but always respecting all safety regulations.
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